By Miranda H.
I know these days young kids (up to age 7) entertain themselves differently than even I did as a child not so very long ago. Their Time is taken up by computers, cell phones (what seven year old needs a cell phone?!), unenlightening TV shows (mainly Disney Channel, sorry) and video games. Once upon a time I too was seven, here’s just a taste of the things my siblings and I did for “fun” in the not-so-very-long-ago good days.
First off, computers weren’t used only for Facebook and celebrity dress-up games. I recall only using the computer when I was seven to travel the old west while trying not to let my whole wagon train die off. Two words, “Oregon Trail”, people. If you have never played it then you should. Not only was it a lot of fun but it also had at least some shreds of history to learn from it; like whether to use Epsom salts to treat a rattlesnake bite, which we both know is a futile attempt. He’s a goner. If it was Cholera he was suffering from that would be a different story. Complete with getting to name the people in your posse (usually made to represent members of my family) made it even better, when trying to get them through.
Unlike the annoying, mindless, head-ache inducing children’s TV shows these days, (yes I’m talking about you ‘Yo Gabba Gabba’) Saturday mornings were enjoyed with legendary figures such as ‘Blues Clues’, ‘Wishbone’, ‘Chip 'N' Dale Rescue Rangers’, ‘Bear in the Big Blue House’ and the iconic ‘Sesame Street’ (ya gotta love Oscar the Grouch).
Getting away from technology stuff though, that’s when I had the times that I most enjoyed and have the fondest memories of. Picture this, five or six unruly kids, an ill-tempered rooster and a large space. Sound dangerous? Very. but f-u-n (if you weren’t so slow as to be caught by the rooster). Growing up with four older brothers may have had something to do with it, but we (mostly them) would proceed to annoy and anger the red rooster until finally it would snap. Fittingly the rooster was dubbed Prince. As planned Prince would turn and begin to chase any and all of us, flapping and sounding quite possessed. Screaming and arms flailing we all would race desperately to the safe haven of piled tree limbs or nearest fence which we proceeded to climb until safe from the talons of the vengeful poultry. The creepy thing was that the rooster would circle us for a few minutes like a wolf and glare up at us with his shifty, beady eyes.
If you ask me, this is SO much better than anything requiring batteries or a plug. Plus, we got tons of exercise. The only down about it: We may have caused a chicken to have severe psychological issues.