*I am going to start to periodically post old poems that I wrote while in a study hall at my school once a week. And don't get me wrong about the school (regardless of what the poems might claim), I LOVE the school and the people there but when I wrote these it was the hour before lunch and I was STARVING and sometimes bored. So, without farther ado, here is the first one! :)
~WEEK 2~
(I misplaced week 1)
"There is a scary building built upon the ground
And if you dare to walk past it, you wont hear a sound
But inside this scary, feared building of brick and concrete
There are many unaware children sitting in their seat
They sit and study the whole day through
Day or night, summer, winter, they have no clue
They don't look up from their books or pages
If you saw them they looked like they were in cages!
But two of these unaware children were cool
They knew no one should have to sit all day in school
So as the teachers called for them to sit down, they grabbed their stuff
and when they reached the door they said, "We are leaving in a HUFF!" "