Wow, how to choose?
after mulling over this question for several days I have narrowed it down to two . But on account of a considerable amount your precious time being at stake- I will tell you about just one of these instances for this post .
My first favorite memory would have to be when my whole family and I used to go on vacation together every year . Nowadays we still go on vacation but with jobs , hobbies and life in general we can't all go together like we used to . Vacation , for us , was going up to visit my cousins who live in the Rocky Mountains , about a full days drive with all of the bathroom and food stops . Really , it was a relatively short trip , but it was no slight task when the car was full of seven very energetic kids . My parents were so brave . We would stuff bags with coloring books , stories , mini-games , mazes , and toys until the bags were at their maximum capacity and then stuffed more in . But the classic activity we would ALWAYS get when going on vacation were- PIPE CLEANERS . We got them in almost every color , which was several bags worth and they filled several hours worth of time . Oddly shaped glasses and masks , little figures , crowns , weapons and jewelry were shaped from these magical pipe cleaners while driving in the van . Stickers were also thoroughly enjoyed by us all- though not so much by my parents . Bearing in mind the time when one of my older brothers decided to plaster the ceiling and around the window with them . What made this even more memorable was that the stickers stayed there for many years, up until the poor, beloved, blue van saw its final day . Some of the best times were had on the road trip up to see my cousins , oh yes , there were fiascoes and world war III equivalent fights but we always seemed to make it there in one piece . On the way home every year , we would always go just a little out of our way to a specific place that sold the best peaches in the world , western-slope peaches . Munching on peaches and reminiscing about the good times had with our cousins over the past days , we headed home . It was always quite an adventure .
That. Sounds. Awesome. Haha I loved reading about this, I had no idea!